-True fitness is born from within-
About me
My name is Lander and I enjoy cooking healthy and delicious meals for my family and friends. I was diagnosed with multiple food allergies when I was five years old, and still check the ingredient list on everything. This was in the year of 2007 when very little food alternatives existed, and allergies were not really a concern with most people. Any food that went into my body had to be checked and verified safe for me to consume. Thankfully due to my love of food and the lack of delicious allergy friendly alternatives, I began cooking my own food and ignited a passion that still burns within me. Helping people through healthy habits and good food is a dream of mine. Health can come in the form of your spirit, mind, soul, and body. Reaching health in each of these aspects can be difficult at times, but the reward is worth every bit of pain and struggles that you will endure. “Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper in good health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 1:2, NASB).
There are many more healthy and allergy friendly foods and I have become an affiliate with c companies that created products that I personally use. You will find links throughout my posts on this website and also social media. these links will allow me to make some income while also helping you find healthy products … which is a nice combination in my opinion.
Why a blog?
The reason behind my blog is simple. I wanted people to realize the importance of healthy living similar to the way I have. Fitness can be built through healthy eating and good life habits, with your spirit, mind, soul, and body as the main focus. I have always loved the idea of helping someone find a way to eat in a manner that is better for their body, yet delicious. I enjoy creating new and old dishes of food and dream to own my own restaurant one day. I knew that I wanted to share healthy allergy friendly food and traveling destinations on my blog, but I did not expect fitness to be the main theme. Then I thought about it. People may look fit from the outside, but how are their insides looking? This is when I realized that true fitness is born from within, and is not just about your appearance. And remember to have fun and chase your dreams, no matter the size. Dreams can take the form of life goals and are a good thing to have, trust me. I have always been a dreamer, and have several amazing people to confirm that.
If you have any questions, please email me with the provided email at the bottom of this page.
Thank you!!
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